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Pope St. Siricius

Apostolic See, Rock of the Church, Papal Authority, Universal Jurisdiction, The Roman See, St. Peter

“Therefore in accordance with the apostolic precept, since they preached other than what we received, it was the one sentence of us all, presbyters, deacons, and all the clergy, that Jovinian, Auxentius, Genialis, Germinator, Felix, Plotinus, Martian, Januarius, and Ingeniosus, who were found to be promoters of the new heresy and blasphemy, should be condemned by the divine sentence and our judgement, and remain permanently outside the Church. I have sent this letter, not doubting that your holiness will observe it. (Ep. 7 to Bishop Himerius of Tarragon, of the Church of Milan.” [A.D. 390]).

“The account which you, brother, directed to our predecessor of holy memory Damasus, found me now installed in his see because the Lord thus ordained. When we read that [account] more carefully in an assembly of brethren, we found to the degree we had hoped to recognize things which ought to be praised and much which was worthy of reprimand and correction. And since it is necessary for us to succeed to the labors and responsibilities of him whom, through the grace of God, we succeeded in honor, having first given notice, as was necessary, of my promotion, we do not refuse, as the Lord deigns to inspire, a proper response to your inquiry in every point. For in view of our office there is no freedom for us, on whom a zeal for the Christian religion is incumbent greater than on all others, to dissimulate or to be silent. We bear the burdens of all who are oppressed, or rather the blessed apostle Peter, who in all things protects and preserves us, the heirs, as we trust, of his administration, bears them in us. [proceeds to list a number of errors being promoted in Tarragona (Spain)]… it is also inappropriate henceforth for you to deviate from that path, if you do not wish to be separated from our company by synodal sentence….Enough error on this matter! All priests who do not wish to be torn from the solidity of the apostolic rock, upon which Christ built the universal Church, should now hold the aforementioned rule…[lists more errors]…let them know that they have been expelled by the authority of the apostolic see from every ecclesiastical office, which they used unworthily…[lists more errors]… there is freedom for no priest of the Lord to be ignorant of the statutes of the apostolic see and the venerable decrees of the canons…”

"For in view of our office there is no freedom for us, on whom a zeal for the Christian religion is incumbent greater than on all others, to dissimulate or to be silent. We bear the burdens of all who are oppressed, or rather the blessed apostle Peter, who in all things protects and preserves us, the heirs, as we trust, of his administration, bears them in us…[proceeds to list a number of errors being promoted in Tarragona (Spain)]… it is also inappropriate henceforth for you to deviate from that path, if you do not wish to be separated from our company by synodal sentence….Enough error on this matter! All priests who do not wish to be torn from the solidity of the apostolic rock, upon which Christ built the universal Church, should now hold the aforementioned rule…[lists more errors]…let them know that they have been expelled by the authority of the apostolic see from every ecclesiastical office, which they used unworthily…[lists more errors]… there is freedom for no priest of the Lord to be ignorant of the statutes of the apostolic see and the venerable decrees of the canons…" (Pope Siricius’s reply to questions by the Spanish Bishop Himerius of Tarragona, Epistle 1, Directa Ad Decessorem. Patrologia Latina 13.1132; Ed. Pierre Coustant, Epistolae Romanorum pontificum (Paris, 1721; reprint Farnborough, 1967), 623–638 [A.D. 385]).

“this book of regulations [are to be] carefully introduced to neighboring peoples and bishops as a model, for with the aid of the holy Apostle Peter, through whom both the apostolate and episcopate in Christ took their origin the Church should be presented unto God without spot or wrinkle” (Response to Victricius, who requested a canonical book of Roman tradition. Etsi Tibi Frater, Patrologia Latina 20, 468-81 [A.D. 404], brought forth in Eric Ybarra’s article “Papal jurisdiction & The Universal Petrine Episcopate”).

“You are aware that in all princinces when questions are asked, replies always proceed from the Apostolic source. Especially, as often as the reasons for faith are under discussion, then all out brethen and fellow-bishops, should in my opinion refer (relatio) to St. Peter, as to the author of their [bishops] name and dignity, as you have now referred” (Letter to the Council of Mileve, Inter Caeteras, Patrologia Latina 20. 589-93).

“[The Roman See is] the source of the episcopate” (Letter to the Council of Carthage, In requirendis, Patrologia Latina 20. 582-8).

“[This Roman synod] Assembled together at the relics of the holy Apostle Peter from whom both the apostolate and episcopate in Christ took their beginning…” (Cum in Unum, Patrologia Latina 13, 1155-62).

“In view of our office, we are not free to dissemble or to keep silent, for our zeal for the Christian religion ought to I be greater than anyone's. We bear the burdens of all who are heavy laden, or rather the blessed apostle Peter bears them in us, who in all things, as we trust, protects and defends those who are heirs of his government. At the beginning of your page, you have observed that many who were baptized by the wicked Arians are hastening to the catholic faith, and that they wish to be rebaptized by one of our brethren: this is illegal, being forbidden by the apostle, by the canons, and in a general order sent to the firovinces by my Predecessor Liberius of revered memory, after the quashing of the Ariminum council. As has been laid down in synod, we admit these persons, in common with Novatianists aid other heretics, into the congregation of catholics, only through the invocation of the sevenfold Spirit, by the laying on of hands of a bishop. All the East and West keep this rule; and in future it is by no means fitting that you, either, should deviate from this path, if you do not wish to be separated from our college by sentence of the synod. . . . Up to now there have been enough mistakes of this kind. In future all priests must keep the above rule who do not wish to be torn away from the solid apostolic rock upon which Christ built the universal Church. We have explained, as I think, dearest brother, all the matters of which you complained, and to every case which you have referred, by our son Bassian the presbyter, to the Roman Church, as to the head of your body, we have I believe returned I adequate replies. And now we urge the mind of your brotherhood more and more to observe the canons and keep the decretals which have been framed, so that what we have replied to your inquiries you may bring to the notice of all our 1 fellow bishops, and not only of those who are in your diocese : but let what we have profitably ordained be sent, with your letters also, to all the Carthaginians and Baeticans, Lusitanians and Gallicians, and to those in the provinces adjoining your own. And though no priest of the Lord is free to be ignorant of the statutes of the apostolic see, or of the venerable provisions of the canons, yet it would be more useful, and, on account of the seniority of your priesthood, a very high honour for you, beloved, if those things which have been written generally, and to you especially by name, were brought by your care to the notice of all our brethren ; so that what has been profitably drawn up by us, not without consideration, but with care and great caution and deliberation, may remain inviolate, and that the way may be stopped for all.” (Epistle 1, Directa ad decessorem, to Himerius, Bishop of Tarragona [A.D. 385]).

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