on the Assumption of Mary
John Damascene Sermon 2 on the Assumption (676–749 ad)
How, then, was she assumed to the heavenly courts? In this way. What were the honours then conferred upon her by God who commands us to honour our parents?
John Damascene Sermon 2 on the Assumption (676–749 ad)
And thus the immaculate (panagion) [191] body was laid in the tomb. Then it was assumed after three days to the heavenly mansions. The bosom of the earth was no fitting receptacle for the Lord's dwelling-place, the living source of cleansing water, the corn of heavenly bread, the sacred vine of divine wine, the evergreen and fruitful olive-branch of God's mercy. And just as the all holy body of God's Son, which was taken from her, rose from the dead on the third day, it followed that she should be snatched from the tomb, that the mother should be united to her Son; and as He had come down to her, so she should be raised up to Him, into the more perfect dwelling-place, heaven itself.
John Damascene Sermon 2 on the Assumption (676–749 ad)
It was fitting that the body of her, who preserved her virginity unsullied in her [192] motherhood, should be kept from corruption even after death. She who nursed her Creator as an infant at her breast, had a right to be in the divine tabernacles.
John Damascene Sermon 2 on the Assumption (676–749 ad)
Let us then also keep solemn feast to-day to honour the joyful departure of God's Mother,
John of Damascus Sermon 3 (676-749 ad)
Let the air rejoice at the Assumption. Let gentle breezes waft grace. Let all nature keep the feast of the Mother of God's Assumption.
John of Damascus Sermon 2 (676-749 ad)
And thus the immaculate (panagion) [191] body was laid in the tomb. Then it was assumed after three days to the heavenly mansions.